Iran Names New Envoy to UAE in Hopes of Easing Tensions

Iran has announced that it will be sending a new ambassador to the United Arab Emirates in an attempt to ease tensions between the two countries. The move comes after months of increasing tensions, which have led to several incidents, including the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities in September 2019.  The new ambassador, Ebrahim Rahimpour, is a veteran diplomat who has served in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom and Switzerland. He will be based in Abu Dhabi and will take up his new role in the coming weeks.  

The announcement of a new ambassador is a positive step in the right direction, and we hope that it will help to ease tensions between the two countries.
In conclusion, Iran has announced a new ambassador to the UAE to ease tensions between the two countries. This is a positive step forward, and we hope that it will lead to improved relations between the two nations.


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